Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sight and Realisation

Life is beautiful is a saying that might be cliche but it hasnt lost its validity. There's usually alot to be thankful for. I was watchin an episode of the series Joan of Arcadia the other day and this character playing the Reverend said something that just hit me. It felt like he was talking directly to me. He said "most miracles are seen in hindsight". There are just so many secrets in life that are revealed in retrospect. Life is about sight and i dont mean eyes, I mean the ability to realise.Some things are right in front of u and u cant see them, Hausa people have a saying that it is the mind that sees not the eyes. Its such a beautiful thing when u realise especially when its not too late or its at the nick of time. Realisation at the opportune moment is so beautiful it has its own beautiful word...Epiphany.

1 comment:

'Yar Mama said...

Welcome to Blogville. Happy New Year.